Text Effects

NOTE: Your server must have access to both Image Magick and PHP GD in order to use these scripts.

This is a php script using Image Magick and GD for creating text on the fly. In other words, within your html code you can add an image tag to call in these text effects into your web page. The php script page must be in the same directory as the html page that is calling it in order to use the tags as outlined below. However, you can call it from any directory on your site by including the full URL to the php script such as ...
<img src="http://www.lingolinda.com/subdirectory/Tools/ButtonIM.php?text=Test test&point=50&outline=red">

Once you use the script, you will see an image called "titled.gif" in your directory. This is the file it writes over and over for each effect called. If you change the parameters in the tag, you may have to reload your page. In the samples below, the parts of the scripts that are in bold will be the only things you will have to change in the code to use it. Change the word/words to display, change the color, change the font size, etc.

You can change the font itself within the php script page near the top where the font is called. This page is using an Arial-Bold built in Image Magick font currently. You may also add your own font.

You can also make a permanent image, if you prefer. Simply use the full url (as shown above minus the img src tag), to the php script along with the codes and put it in your mover to upload it to your directory. Give it a name with a png extension and you will have a permanent image.

You can get the files zip files. There is the script ButtomIM.php that does the work. You do not need to touch this unless you want to change the font name. There is an example page of how to use the scripts, and a gif for the tiled sample.
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Outlined&point=50&outline=royalblue">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Tiled&point=50&tile=tile54.gif">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Shadowed&color=white&point=50&shadow=Shadowed">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Beveled&point=60&bevel=150x30">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Equaled&point=60&equal=150x30">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Waving&color=violet&point=50&wave=10x75">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Motion&color=yellow&point=50&motion=Motion">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Transparent&point=45&blank=Transparent">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Dither&point=50&dither=orangered">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Noise&point=50&noise=150x30">
<img src="ButtonIM.php?text=Spread&point=50&spread=blue&color=goldenrod">
