Click Below To Get Image & URL

Path Frame

This tool will create a path frame of your choice on top of your image at the location and size specified (thanks to Lenore for the inspiration). Do not use color 30,30,30 as it is a designated transparent color in the script. For an outlined frame, you can put the image through twice, the first image for example at line thickness 4 and spaces 4. When the image shows up on the next page, use the URL short form such as temp/path_00.jpg and for the thickness use 2 and spacing 6. As long as the thickness and spacing add up to the same number (4+4=8, 2+6=8) it should work ok. Keep both at the same distance from edge.

Line thickness in pixels
Spaces between lines (pixels)
Color List
distance from edges
in pixels

You can choose to tile your frame with an image. Click tile button and
enter your tile URL or grab one from Here.
No Tile: Tile:
Tile URL: