Create a Slideshow for you web site. Here you will find the tools for four different types of slideshows. They are all Javascript driven and do not work in pagebuilder but will work on a Server with WebTV. For PageBuilder you can create an I-Frame using these Tools.

These tools will set up your script for you. All you need are your URLs and the width and height to set it up. All slideshows require images of the same size so you may have to resize your images first. You can see all four choices, make your choice and then come back here and click on the link for that particular slideshow to get the specific instructions and the tool that creates it for you.


DROP DOWN MENUThis slideshow gives the viewer a drop down menu from which to choose images for viewing.
ROTATING SLIDESHOWThis is a slideshow that rotates automatically from one image to the next continually.
THUMBNAIL SLIDESHOWThis slideshow has a display of the images in thumbnail format, which enlarge when the viewer clicks on the thumbnail.
BUTTON CONTROL SLIDESHOWThis slideshow is controlled by clicking on a Next or a Back button to scroll through the images. A description of the image appears with each one as it loads on to the screen.
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