Thumbnail Image--Instructions

Below is an explanation of the information that you should put in to the fields on the form for this slideshow.
This Slideshow does not use actual thumbnail images. They are just a compressed version of the larger image. When clicked it will open up to full size but the images should be the same size to be viewed properly.

Alternatively, you can use actual Thumbnail images which will enlarge to the size of your Cover image.
THUMB WIDTHThis is the width of the Thumbnail. You can divide the height and width of your image by 5 or 6 to get the thumbnail size.
THUMB HEIGHTHeight of the thumbnail.
COVER URLThis is the image that you want to appear on top as the page is loaded or reloaded.
COVER CAPTIONThis is the caption that appears below the thumbnails--such as Click an Image.
PICTURE URLThis is the URL of each of your images. You can use relative URL's if your images are in the same directory as the slideshow.

You can delete what is in the textbox on the bottom of the form page and drop your harvested URLs in there. Then CCP individual URLs in to the boxes on the form.
CAPTIONThis is a description of the image that appears on mouse over on a PC (does not show on WebTV). Each caption belongs with each image side by side on the form.

There are spaces to add six images to this slideshow. However if you would like to add more images you can do that in the script. Once you have made a page from the CCP script, go in to the table section and add as many images as you like to this section as shown in the script:

Also you may have to adjust the table that holds the thumbnails if they are too wide to have six images across a page. You may have to add a new row to the table.

And that is it.